
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Hide and go figure out what I hid…

(Alternatel title: "My family is out to get me..."

My husband has a way of doing things around the house and he doesn't tell me. He waits. He sits back, relaxes and waits for me to eventually figure out what home improvement project he did. It drives me nuts. He is not me. He doesn't know all the things weighing on my mind. I don't have the time for guessing games. Tell me what you did so I can give you the proper praise and thanks so that we all can move on. Instead he likes to let me be completely oblivious until 3 months …6 months …a year later until I figure it out. Some things I would never notice to be honest.

So that's my husband.

And really? You don't want kudos for doing something? Fine dude.

The problem? I think it's genetic.

My 4 year old has been hiding things on me lately. She gets the talent from her father. This past weekend she took my phone while I was doing something out of the room and she hid it. We had to get out of the house to go somewhere and I rushed around looking for it in one of the many places I could've placed it. Except this isn't like playing a game of hide and seek with a 4 year old where she hides and giggles, giving up where she is. She's not hiding these things and then standing in front of me giggling which would give me any clue she's done something or been up to something naughty. She's hiding them and going on with her business. After reaching the end of my rope and asking her if she had seen it, she mosey'd over to daddy's chair slipped in behind it and pulled out my phone from the floor underneath it.

This morning I was waiting for everyone to wake up and get ready so I went downstairs to get our bags ready to go. My husband has been off the last couple days so he was helping them both get ready. I came back upstairs at one point to move the process along. I remembered I wanted my Pandora bracelet. I ALWAYS take it off before the kid's bath time and I put it on the counter top next to the sink. ALWAYS! This morning I went in the bathroom to get it and put it on and it wasn't there. I walked out and told my husband I couldn't find it. He said he hadn't seen it and in the same breathe he turned to our darling daughter and asked her if she knew where it was. She rolled her eyes, turned on her heal, went to the end of my bed, crawled under my bed and pulled out my Pandora bracelet. Yes, she really did.

I want to be mad because seriously she's going to hide something thinking it's funny, I won't know to ask about it because I won't be missing it in that particular moment and it will never be found again. But at the same time, it's kind of funny. She hadn't let on in any way that she had hid something. I don't even know WHEN she hid my bracelet. It could've been last night for all I know. She was completely straight faced. A normal 4 year old would be giggling uncontrollably about doing something giving them away immediately. SHE? Well, she has her dad's genes. She does something, walks away, sits there, calm and cool as a cucumber and watches it unfold, just like daddy.

They're out to get me and my sleep deprived mommy brain. *sigh*

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hi ho...hi ho, it's off the apple orchard we go...or maybe not!

A few weeks ago my daughter brought home a permission slip to go to the apple orchard to go apple picking, pumpkin picking, do hayrides and have donuts and cider with her class at school. At the bottom of the permission slip it gave parents the option to be chaperones. I thought it sounded like a great idea, but I didn't want to step on my daughter's toes and independence and thought she wouldn't want me to come. A few days later she asked me if I was going to come with her when her class goes to the apple orchard. I told her I wanted to but I had to see if I could get out of work. Work is unpredictable and it's really a game time decision when it comes to this kind of stuff. As luck would have it, I wasn't all that busy this week and on Monday when I dropped off the kids I asked her teacher if any other parents were going. She said only one and also told me that all the kids actually love when the parents come, whether it's their parent or not.

Yesterday I requested today off to go apple picking. My boss approved it.

Last night I stayed at work until 7 o'clock tying up loose ends before being out for today.

This morning despite the baby waking up in the middle of the night to nurse, I put him back down in his crib and both kids slept in until 8. I had nowhere to be, so why not? The kids didn't HAVE to get to school exactly at 8 today. I didn't HAVE to get to work. So, I let them sleep…until I basically had to wake them up to get out. Hmmm…I wonder how long they WOULD'VE slept?

Side note: The baby peed on the potty this morning.

I got all of us ready. I forewent a shower since I'd be traipsing thru an apple orchard and then probably cleaning my house when we got back since I'd taken the whole day off. I threw on jeans and a sweatshirt and off we went.

When we got to school we walked in, my girl went to her classroom, I started toward the baby's room but turned on my heal to confirm the bus was leaving at 9:30. The owner said, "SHARP!" I said, "Ok, ok no problem, I just need to go nurse the baby and I'll be back." She replied back, "9:30 SHARP! …TOMORROW!!!"

Yup, so, all for not. My blonde headed mommy brain really did it this time. I got the days screwed up. Probably subconsciously willing it to be Thursday, even though I knew very well it was Wednesday and truly thought the apple picking trip was today not tomorrow. I guess today was just the rehearsal for tomorrow.

I had to gather myself, get out of the school ASAP, get back home, get changed into work clothes, get my pump which I'd brought home last night so I could pump this afternoon, and get to work ASAP! Ugh…just UGH!

Shoot, I MUST remember to get some fruits and veggies on my way home to make baby food for the baby. I left the house this morning having packed the last of his food thinking "it's fine, I could just get some fruits and veggies at the apple orchard today" …I guess that won't be happening. *sigh*