
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Oops! Attack of mommy brain again!

My morning routine is a sh*t show. I have to get me, the 4 YO, the baby and now also for these few weeks my 13 YO niece out the door and get them all to their places on time so I can get to work on time. There are a lot of things I have to remember in the morning. I look like a bag lady running out the door in the morning between my purse, my cooler of bottles to pump, the baby's bag, the 4 YO's bag and if it's an extra special day, my laptop bag and my pump too. There's just no easy way to manage it all. Aside from getting us out the door I have to feed "Fish", pet the cat, let the dog out, etc.

One day this past week we were running a tad late. It was all I could do to get everyone out. We ran out the door. Everyone got buckled up in the car, I dropped my niece off at camp and proceeded to the kid's daycare. I got them all settled and left daycare. I was late but only a few minutes. Oh well.

I continued my trek to work. I was about a block away from my office having traveled just under an hour since dropping the kids off. My phone rang. I picked it up from the console and saw it was my next door neighbor. My first thought was, crap is the house on fire? They never call us unless it's an emergency. I answered hesitantly.

Me: hello?!?!
Neighbor: hi Midge it's Ellen
Me: hey, what's up?
Neighbor: ummm...did you know that Guinness (our dog) is still outside on his lead?
Me: CRAP! Oh Nooooo!!!

It is here I would like to make it a point to mention the mommy brain is a very real thing! These kids shoot out from our bodies and drag out our brains right behind them!

So yes, the weather this week has been horrendous and I completely forgot to bring our dog inside the house after his morning tinkle session. Good news is he was only out for about an hour and a half in the morning before it got beastly disgustingly hot. Our neighbor was going to bring him inside and give him some water.

Ok, yes I suck. I left him out, consider it small payback for middle of the night puke feats that I have to clean up after him.

Sigh...when do I get my brain back?

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